Delegates & the Debates so far.
MUN Conference in progress
February 12, 2016
The Quirky Quibbler asked some of the delegates about their experience so far. Typical responses were: It’s nice. I enjoy it very much. Quite the experience. My committee’s topic interested me a lot. It’s quite the experience, but I wish more preparation time was allocated, so we knew about the case and the country’s positions.
David R. commented that the debate in the International Court of Justice by the delegate of Ecuador about Colombia’s aerial spraying is damaging of the crops of the Ecuadorian region was extremely informative.
Aaron L. remarked that: “This has been quite interesting, I think that the teachers are doing a good job organizing everything, doing a well performed job. On the topics themselves, I believe it’s quite interesting, as my committee is discussing how drugs interfere with other countries. I believe this is something everyone should be a part of, and is a really good experience.”
We will continue to talk to delegates throughout the day, make sure you check in to hear the latest news.