What Is the Class of 2019 Up To Now?

After going through two tough years in the IB program at SIS, let’s see what some of our graduates are up to now.

We decided to interview some of the graduates from the class of 2019 to see what their plans are and if they have any advice on how to survive the IB. We interviewed Tess E., Olivia W., Sumedha J., Lauren M., Leano C., and Minseok L. to see what their post-SIS futures hold.

1. Describe your IB experience in one word.

Tess: Challenging.

Olivia: Educational.

Sumedha: Daunting (but rewarding).

Lauren: Shaping.

Leano: Adrenaline.

Minseok: Endeavouring.

2. What are your plans for the upcoming year now that you have graduated?

Tess: I am taking a gap year. I will be moving to London for 6 months to work, and after that, I’ll be doing volunteering in Zambia. When I get back I also have various fun trips planned.

Olivia: I’m moving to California to attend Stanford University where I hope to major in maths and physics

Sumedha: I will be studying at Karolinska, here in Stockholm, where I am doing my bachelors in medical sciences with a major in biomedicine.

Lauren: I’m studying international affairs and cultural anthropology at northeastern university in Boston.

Leano: I’m studying Sustainable Enterprise Development with a major in business administration and a minor in economics, at Jönköping University.

Minseok: I’m studying international management at the University of Nottingham in the UK.

3. What are your plans for the future?

Tess: I’m going to start studying in the UK, and then I’ll see what happens from there.

Olivia: After Stanford, I’m interested in working in Silicon Valley, maybe at a tech startup and hopefully something making a positive impact on society

Sumedha: After I graduate from university I hope to become a genetic analyst.

Lauren: I plan on finishing my studies and having lots of co-ops and internships with my major so that I can start a career in my field, ideally working within a world organization.

Leano: To make a lot of MONEY!

Minseok: My plan is to become rich.

4. Do you have any advice for the current 11th and 12th graders at SIS?

Tess: DP1s don’t stress yourself out too much, have fun this year. DP2s the IAs and exams aren’t as scary as you think, just be on top of your work and you’ll be good :).

Olivia: 1) Grades are a really bad indicator of your intelligence and potential, so don’t use them to measure your self-worth. 2) Cherish the last two years living at home with your family.

Sumedha: Make a study guide for everything and memorize it. Practice early morning studying instead of late-night studying because you won’t remember anything if you study at night.

Lauren: It sucks now, but it’s only two years and when it’s over don’t dwell. There is more to life than the last two years of high school. PS: nobody will care what your score was.

Leano: Don’t waste your time studying something that won’t be needed for your future degree. Practice all the past papers. Watch Ali Abdaal videos on revision tips

Minseok: My biggest piece of advice is to never regret taking the IB.

Thank you for your words of advice! On behalf of the Quirky Quibbler and the rest of the SIS community, we wish you the best of luck with your studies and your future plans.