Entrepreneurs in 6C

MelodyCraft Logo
What is the name of your business and when did you start it?
Our name is MelodyCraft since we craft things and we like music. We published our website on the 13th of February 2023, but we started working on it after the winter break around the 22nd of January.
How does your business work and what is it you do?
We have a page on our site which explains how you can order, basically you send one of us an email and tell us what you want and when you want it. We craft things like book marks and seasonal products, we also work with digital item such as ringtones.
Overall how has been running a small business? Have you faced any difficulties?
Right at the beginning things worked out pretty well. We got a lot of people to look at our site and we got quite a few orders. Our current seasonal products are not available anymore since we sold out, which means we have less orders at the moment. It has been quite hard managing the business, but we have been trying our best and its been really fun working together.
How has it been working with each other? Have you had any difference of opinion, if so how did you work through them?
There have been a few differences of opinions. Whenever we have a difference, or someone wants to do something else we hold off on it until we can discuss it and come to an agreement.
When it comes to school work, are you able to balance it with the business?
During the weeks when we have a lot of summatives it can be hard, so we try to move our focus on to school. We then use our free time on the weekends to work on anything related to MelodyCraft until we have finished our units and summatives. We have also made a rule which we are trying to follow, where we don’t talk about MelodyCraft during our lessons.
What do your friends and classmates think of your business
A lot of people think its really good and they really like it. Most of our orders are from our fellow classmates and friends, but we’ve had a few other people that don’t really like the business. We also have temporary workers who we hire for a certain amount of time. We recently had an interview with someone who didn’t seem like they were taking it seriously, which can be a bit annoying.
What are you guys looking forward to when it comes to your business?
We have an idea. We are thinking of selling bigger things that more people seem to be interested in. We have gotten a lot of feedback about selling a bigger variety of products. For example, we are thinking of selling phone cases in the future.
Do you think your classes have helped you guys in creating a business?
Yeah for sure, like our english classes have honestly helped us expand our vocabulary to use in our website. Also this term we have Visual Arts which we’re really looking forward to and we think that will really help us, also Mr. Snell is a really good teacher.
Are there any plans to donate the money you earn to a specific charity?
Yes, once we have a little bundle of money, we are planning to set aside a good portion of it for charity. At the moment we haven’t decided which charity, but we have ideas like for example cancer research. Also we were thinking of maybe having a rotation where we have a few organisations we can donate and switch between. They will probably be along the lines of cancer research and environmental issues.
Check out their webpage at MelodyCraft