This year there is a new enrichment class – the Student Ted Talks group run by Ms. Pongo and Ms. Maroko.
In this group students learn how to deliver ideas worth sharing in speeches and to catch the audience’s attention. We are currently working on finding ideas for our speeches and writing the scripts. Our goal is to be able to become confident speakers in front of an audience.
We also learn how to stretch our feedback muscles and give constructive and effective pointers. We hope that by the end of this term we will be able to make speeches for the public without the slightest hint of stage fright.
We are currently working on writing our scripts in a process which involves making a first draft of what we want our speech to be about. This can be anything we want to be changed or are passionate about. This sounds like a lot of work. I thought it would be when I heard what we were going to go through to make a speech, but time flies by. One hour feels like minutes in this classroom.
You might be thinking that this sounds fun and all, but what do students learn that is going to help them in later life? Students will learn all about being able to verbally share ideas and that is easily one of the best abilities in the world, because in later life, who knows, some of us might be influential people who will need the skills learned in this class.