The 14th of March is known worldwide as Pi Day. The date can be written as 3/14/24, with 3.14 being the first digits of pi. SIS honoured this special holiday with activities for students in grades 6 to 10.
Leading up to Pi Day, Grades 6 and 7 created infographics and designed posters to honour a mathematician, how maths is connected to other subjects, interesting facts about Pi Day, or how maths is fun. On the 14th of March, Grades 9 and 10 created and supervised activities for the students in Grades 6, 7, and 8. Cleverly fitting in with the theme we were served pies for lunch.
Booklet competitions got heated as students competed to answer questions and be the fastest to outwit their peers. Math-themed games of Mafia not only tested students’ ability to solve math equations but also their poker faces. Students searched for math-related terms in word searches and naturally occurring circles throughout Norra Latin to measure their size.
Finally, a challenge was posed. Who could memorize the most digits of Pi? By arranging the cut-out numbers, students competed to see who could correctly organize the most digits of Pi