The student news site of Stockholm International School

The Quirky Quibbler

The student news site of Stockholm International School

The Quirky Quibbler

The student news site of Stockholm International School

The Quirky Quibbler

Goodbyes and see you laters
Goodbyes and see you laters
Gioia S., Editor-in-chief

In Sweden, it is tradition that the graduating class dresses in white and leaves the school’s doors one last time to commemorate the end...

Impressive End to the Personal Project
Impressive End to the Personal Project
Gioia S. and Bruno R.

This year’s Grade 10 cohort was described as “special” by Miss Gonzalez, coordinator of the personal project at SIS, as it was the...

Inspirational Poetry - The Game Cartridge
Inspirational Poetry - The Game Cartridge

The Game Cartridge Inspired by 'Woman Work' by Maya Angelou   The bits to load  The pins to connect, A plastic case,  To guard,...

Grade 11 Take Over at the Irish Embassy !
Grade 11 Take Over at the Irish Embassy !
Gioia S. and David L.

On the 16th of May, some students in Grade 11 took part in a visit to the Irish Embassy in Sweden. This amazing opportunity, presented by Miss...

Euro 2024 - Everything You Need To Know About
Euro 2024 - Everything You Need To Know About
Bruno R., Reporter

Cities and Stadiums Throughout the first half of the school holiday, between June 14 and July 14, 24 countries will play across 10 stadiums...

Farewell to Ms. Gonzalez đź‘‹

Carolina L.
Psychology book

With the school year ending soon, we must bid farewell to Ms. Gonzalez, who has been a member of the SIS community for over five years. While here, Ms. Gonzalez has taught Psychology and been an 11th -12th-grade advisor as well as taken on the roles of Personal Project coordinator and MYP coordinator.  Other than teaching, she has also been involved in the school community by co-planning student activities, outing days, and school events with her fellow teachers.

Now she is soon going on a new adventure in San Francisco, teaching at the French American International School. Ms. Gonzalez shared, “It has been incredibly rewarding to see the school grow and develop, from the annex to OPG to Norra Latin. Watching students evolve from grade 10 to graduation and witnessing their transformation as individuals has been a highlight of my career.” While she is excited to travel the States and see what it has to offer, she said she will miss her students, her colleagues, her friends, and the city of Stockholm.

As a parting message, Ms. Gonzalez advises her students, “Remember to have fun. Learning is meant to be exciting and if you’re finding it stressful, try to find a part of it that gives you joy and then expand on that.” We now say farewell to Ms. Gonzalez and extend our best wishes to her as she starts her time in San Francisco. Her contribution at SIS will always be remembered.

Thank you for everything!

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