This year we have 8 new house captains that are working hard to make sure their house wins the end of year reward. The house captains are also the ones that create new house competitions, for example, chess competitions, football tournaments, dodgeball tournaments, and host events such as spirit week and art shows.
This is what we know – that they are the masterminds behind the school extracurricular activities – but do we really know who they are, and why they have this position? Read more to find out!
Antonio C. (Fire), Ryan X. (Air), and Yebum C. (Earth), answered a few questions about their new roles.
Tell me who you are, why you decided to become a house captain?
Antonio: “I’ve been at the school for a long time. I’m from Italy and I decided to become house captain because I want to grow our house system for the better.”
Ryan: “I like planes and I have been at SIS for maybe 8 years now, I joined in third grade. I decided to become house captain because I wanted to make the overall house system more enjoyable.”
Yebum: “I’ve been an SIS for one and a half years and I decided to become house captain to bring more activities to school and to enhance the house system between different grades.”
What do you hope to do in your role as house captain?
Antonio: “So, one idea which I’m mainly focusing on within our house team is organising some sports tournaments like football tournaments to involve more people to do Sport and evolve the competitions.”
Ryan: “Well I really want the house system to be more engaging for everyone and more recognized so that people don’t take it as a joke. I want to spread awareness to make the house system more unique and host more events to make school more fun.”
Yebum: “Well I would like the house system to be an opportunity for people in different grades to connect further, and I would like to create various activities such as sports chess or house art shows.”
Do you have any advice to give to your house members?
Antonio: “To participate in all of the events and to represent your house and have fun.”
Ryan: “We can’t exist without air, so Air is superior.”
Yebum: “Well, air exists around Earth, so Go Earth!”
Our house captains are clearly enjoying their roles a lot, and are planning to do some great things. We look forward to seeing what they will do next and what plans they have up their sleeves.