Mandarin is the second most spoken language and the hardest language to learn. More than 10% of Stockholm’s population is ethnically Asian, so Chinese is spreading worldwide.
Around the school, you may have seen Chinese characters and words displayed around the atrium and halls. You may have learned some easy words such as 你好 (hello), 早上好 (good morning) and 再见 (goodbye). These were all written in the Chinese Characters, and English letters (pinyin) over them. There were also lots of pictures posted at the entrance of the lunch room, featuring multiple Chinese destinations, Chinese objects, and phrases.
The school, in addition to showcasing Mandarin and Chinese culture, served traditional Chinese tea in the lunchroom and contacted Chinese parents to engage students with Chinese culture. Several Chinese parents came to the school and presented about Chinese clothing (汉服) and accessories in the Learning Commons.
Additionally, more parents brought and presented entertaining and popular Chinese games like 麻将, (mahjong), 三国杀 (Legend of Three Kingdoms), 围棋,(Go) 斗地主 (Landlord), and many more.
It was a beautiful sight during the SIS UN day when people all around the world dressed in their traditional clothing. You may also have seen some of the traditional Chinese clothing.
Thank you to SIS for the first Chinese Language of the movement. Hopefully, the Chinese language of the moment has made students much more interested and understanding of a different language, and will engage with our next Language of the Moment – German.