The anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End is an introspective and heartfelt story that takes a unique approach to the fantasy genre, diverging from the typical conventions of action and instead takes place after the demon king has been defeated. The story follows Frieren, an elven mage with an extraordinarily long life span who embarks on a journey of self-discovery and reflection.
Himmel, who is portrayed as the charismatic leader that defeated the Demon King, dies at the age of 80 years. Himmel’s death sets the tone of Frieren’s journey to understand humanity’s fleeting nature. Frieren’s main goal is to reach the region of Aureole, where souls of the dead reside, in hope of meeting Himmel and giving him a proper farewell.
As time passes by, Frieren’s present regret stems from her past memories, compelling her to cherish bonds and better understand human emotions. She engages more openly with the characters in her current party and through the course of the story she gradually starts to embody Himmel’s lighthearted nature, taking initiative to help others. The story is compiled of a dynamic set of characters regarding members in the Party of Heroes and Frieren’s current group. The timeline of Frieren’s past intertwines with Frieren’s present, enriching the emotional depth of both groups of characters. Character dynamics are a central focus to the anime offering depth to the relationships between characters allowing the audience to become attached. Subsequently, the dynamics between characters enhances both the comedic charm and semantic appeal of the anime.
Another key aspect of this anime are its well-written characters. Each character introduced in the story serves as a pillar for Frieren’s growth, allowing her to internalise their values as a part of her own journey. Through Frieren’s perspective we are rewarded with the development of various characters including minor characters. For example, Fern and Stark, who are side characters, act as a catalyst to Frieren’s evolution. By observing the growth of her companions, this inspires her own development. Likewise, Fern’s pragmatic approach, Frieren’s whimsical nature and Stark’s earnest attitude creates a cast of characters that are relatable to the viewers.
What makes this such an astounding anime is that Frieren: Beyond Journey’s end achieves a perfect balance of diverse elements, which work harmoniously to orchestrate a slow-paced yet engaging narrative. The anime features a gorgeous animation style, blending serene visuals with impeccably choreographed action scenes. Moreover, the high quality voice acting encapsulates the emotions of each character, bringing life to the characters in a way that feels authentic. The soundtracks perfectly complement the anime’s melancholic, reminiscent tone, adding emotional depth to key scenes.
In essence, Frieren reflects stoic ideals by exploring the inevitability of change, acceptance and the pursuit to find a purpose in life. Overall, Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End entails a beautiful adventure probing into the themes of time, memory and growth and is a definite must-watch.