After the arduous conferences, the students are invited to have fun through the gossip boxes and punishments lists. Under the mysterious gossip boxes, unravels a plethora of secrets and mysteries. In DISEC 3’s gossip boxes, stems secrets and teasing comments. But most interestingly, the delegates are entangled under a spell of love… confessing secrets and professing their interests in other delegates. We are also exposed to the dark secrets of the Chairs and other delegates, unraveling the mysteries of different committees.

Another exciting feature of MUN day was the punishment lists. While the conferences were taking place, the misbehaved delegates awaited several punishments… Diverging from the formal, diplomatic ambience, near the end of debates, delegates were able to have a fun time. The environment was crackling with excitement, laughter and joy as some delegates danced, sang karaoke to the song “Let it go” or did embarrassing things such as exercising in front of their committees. Apart from the stiff nature of MUN, it offers a hectic yet fulfilling experience where delegates forge new bonds and relationships with others.