The Security Council – Abuse of Power

This year’s topic for the Security Council is “Abuse of Power”. The questions this committee will be discussing includes: What is the link between corruption/abuse of power and international peace and security? How does corruption fuel conflict (especially within the problematic regions identified above)? What solutions have been used to counter the abuse of power in certain nations in the past, and how successful were they? What disincentives must be put in place to discourage overreaching regimes within the framework of the UN Security Council?

The Quirky Quibbler has caught up with the Head Chair of the Security Council, Felix B, and this is what is going on…

What have you been discussing?

Abuse of power. There has been a lot of attacks against Russia and questioning their choices. Russia has been declining to answer questions from other delegate members. LGBTQ issues: people have been asking Russian why there are so oppressive. Russia has responded that they are not oppressive. That has been the debate so far.

Anything interesting?

Discussion about Russia’s involvement in the USA election, both Russia and USA denied the accusations  

How do you feel the conference is going?

So far it is going pretty good. Although, we have had a problem because a lot of the students in one of the Security Council committees did not show up. After the first two hours of the conference, our committee needed to merge with the other Security Council. Hopefully, this will lead to more debates and discussions among the students, which will allow us to come up with more resolutions to our topic.

What is your role and what responsibility do you have for this conference

I am the Under Secretary General and Head Chair of the Security Council. For this conference, I will also be evoking crises within the different committees if the debates begin to fizzle out. This will spark more excitement and get the students more involved.