Crisis in the WTO
The World Trade Organizations topic is “Neocolonialism through Trade Dependence”. Basically, they are talking about countries who exert indirect control over other countries by making them dependent their trade. They have been forming alliances, debating, and conducting resolutions. This has help answer questions like, which countries have exorbitant amounts of debt and what the role of the International monetary fund is independence.
However, at around 11:30 the discussion became quite dry. In order to spice up the debate, the delegates were hit with a crisis. The US suddenly imposed an embargo on China, and China retaliated by imposing an embargo on the US. This prevented all trade between the two power nations, and left lingering questions about what will happen to other trade partners?. A live report of Donald Trump and Xi Jinping arguing about this even managed to be presented to the committee. The delegates were forced to put on their creative thinking hats and collaborative in order to fix the situation.
The debate managed to heat up again, and great resolutions were made!