Impressive Organisation
Bethan Roberts, a teacher from the Albanian College, Tirana gave us her thoughts on this year’s SISMUN. She said that she was excited about all of the topic but in particular the Venezuelan economic crisis as she has lived there and is interested in how it plays up. She would like to hear about how the students deal with this crisis situation.
Srgo Claude, also a teacher from the Albanian College said that he is very interested in the topic of disease as this is a very current issue with the Coronavirus. “I want to see how up to date the students are.” He is very interested to see what solution the students come up with for this problem.
So far both teachers have said that the students are very pleased and excited with the atmosphere at SIS. They said that the students are very inclusive and very friendly. They were impressed with opening ceremony yesterday and looking forward for the rest of the conference.
They commented on the organisation of the conference which they have said has run smoothly. Bethan was particularly complimentary of the DP students as she understands the immense amount of work that goes into organising such as an event and providing this great opportunity for international students to participate.