Maude A.: Firstly, what is your role?
Arya R.: I’m a co-chair of room 312.
Maude A.: What are you in charge of?
Arya R.: That the delegates are speaking, I encourage them to speak. I’m also in charge of the speaker’s list, participation and maintaining the general order of the room.
Maude A.: Ok perfect, so what have been the highlights of your room so far?
Arya R.: There was one really heated discussion between two delegates – it was very entertaining to watch and I hope we get many more of those to come.
Maude A.: Do you know which two delegates?
Arya R.: South Africa and North Korea.
Maude A.: Alright, what are you looking forward to in the next hour?
Arya R.: In the next hour, I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of the participants speaking as some of them have been quiet recently. Generally, that’s it.
Interested to read more about the heated discussion Arya R. mentioned? Click here.