The Bright Ideas of the Brightest Delegates!


Andrea J, SIS MUN press team writer

MUN day is a day where SIS brings all countries together to discuss situations that affect the world. One of the many topics being covered today is Human Rights and a few Refugee cases. In this modern world, with technology, we have access to information about practically everything giving us the chance to develop a voice of our own based upon what we have found out. Gender equality has been a hot topic in the internet world. Today at SIS we will hear many youthful voices and what they think of these issues. Model MUN gives us a chance to express our great ideas and thoughts!

The delegates of Sweden, Spain, Greece, UK, Syrian Republic, Belgium, US, France and the Russian Federation all discussed the Refugee crisis and the amount of refugee Sweden takes in every year. The delegates all had bright ideas for the future. With this energy from the students we are sure looking at an exciting future, hopefully with people who are willing to help .