Sweden: waking up from a long winter slumber

It’s been a long winter of bitter cold and short days but at last, the sun has come out and it seems as though it will stay that way for a while. With the sun comes a beautiful transformation of the scenery around us. No more gray and lifeless trees and grass, everything is beginning to bloom with color. The trees are growing leaves and cherry blossoms can be seen all over Stockholm. Birds are chirping outside with the rise of the sun and various animals and insects are coming out from their winter nap. 

One of the most impressive places in Stockholm at this time of year is Kungsträdgården. The garden is alive with pink blossoms growing on the cherry trees surrounding the area. Over the weekends this area is crowded with people enjoying the scene and basking in the sun. The many cafes and restaurants near the area make it a great place to eat lunch or ‘fika’ while enjoying the colorful display of cherry blossoms. If you haven’t gotten a chance to experience the wonders of Kungsträdgården, I suggest you head over there as soon as possible and enjoy the scenery while it lasts. 

Not just the flowers have come out with the arrival of spring. You might notice that as the days get longer and warmer more and more Swedes are enjoying the outdoors. After the long months of winter, it’s hard to resist enjoying the warm weather and the blooming nature. The spring hasn’t just transformed the greenery but the atmosphere too. The streets are busy, the outdoor cafés full, and the parks are brimming with people. It seems as if the sunshine and pleasant weather have put everyone in a good mood. People say hello to one another when walking, neighbors are conversing, and friends are invited over to dinner. The attitude of Stockholm is warm and welcoming, a huge difference from the cold and dark one from a few months ago. 

If you haven’t done so already, spend a day outside and enjoy the warm weather and the smell of spring. It’s a great way to relax and relieve some of life’s stress, to get away from the pressures of school and work. Enjoy the spring while you can!