Delegates Say – It’s time to solve the Opioid Crisis!
Joao give us a summary of the debate in opioid committee 3.
Committee 3 Chairs – OPG Opioid
Students representing the many views of a variety of countries debate the issues surrounding opioids in the world.
Columbia: “heroin needle prevention”, “suffers more from cocaine, but acknowledges opioid usage issue”
They suggest the following solutions to the opioid crisis:
Pakistan cheaper rehab programs, multifaceted approach.
China, Pakistan is one of the biggest opium producers in the World
Pakistan has “zero tolerance to production of opium in its territory”
China asked the measures that Pakistan is planning on to fight illegal production
Sweden: alternative / more nurses can be more helpful than opioids
France – to solve the problem it is important to invest in the surveillance of opioid users, prescription should be very controlled.
Germany – prevention of the lobbying of big pharma on doctors and other medical personnel,
China – drug related crimes were heavily fought, custom officers are cracking down on smugglers,
Mexico wants to increase opioid prescription, in order to fight its drug problem.
US: “increase of the cost of drugs internationally so that prescription of these types of drugs is discouraged”
Rehab programs – Denmark
UK – solutions should be applied locally/Better security on the borders
Argentina – early signs network, signs of drug addiction , decriminalisation of drugs
The mood is very calm in OPG 6, so so quiet despite the engaging and controversial topic. Delegates are polite and courteous even when they have differing views.