“Heated, Powerful, and Thrilling” – MUN Head Chair



Some students might not know that SIS MUN continues into the weekend with a formal conference being held for 8th-12th grade students on Saturday. Today’s topic of discussion is Child Marriage.

1st Session:

Going into the second session of the day, the delegates spent the morning discussing child marriage and its relationship to religion. Though there were motions to shift the debate towards the economy and healthcare-related topics, the main focus was the country’s perspectives on child marriage. The highlight of the session was the intense debate between the delegates of France and Egypt who were able to entertain everyone in the room.

“France is an evil place”, Delegate of Egypt, who proceeds to sit down dramatically.

When speaking to the delegates during the first break of the day the delegate of France expressed that their view was straightforward, and hoped to form a resolution to economically support developing countries and stop child marriage globally.

The delegate of Afghanistan had a much different goal, looking to pass a resolution protecting their rights to child marriage in their country as well as in other Islamic countries.

2nd session:

Another heated debate took place during the second session. China and Pakistan are in the hot seat with their fellow delegates demanding proof of whether the funding they would provide, will be used for educating youths or if it will end up in their governments’ pockets.

“Will the delegation of Pakistan accept the resolution of paying back the funding if it is not used to educate the youth?” said France demanding an assurance statement from Pakistan before they move on to the resolutions and then work towards ending the conference.

“Will the delegation of China elaborate on their plans for funding”, said the Delegate of Nepal instigating a response from China to clearly state their intentions with the funding.